h o m e

c l a s s e s  &  s e s s i o n s

s c h e d u l e s  &  l o c a t i o n s

s a v a s a n a s

c o n t a c t  m e 

Oh friend, understand:
The body is like an ocean
rich with hidden treasures.
Open your innermost chamber and light its lamp.

– Mirabai


Savasanas -

After many requests over the years for Mira to record one of her savasanas, she has done so!   Typically the last ten - fifteen minutes of a yoga class, savasana is perhaps the most important part of yoga practice. Lying on the back, the arms and legs are spread, the eyes are closed and the breath is deep, using long pranayama. The whole body is relaxed onto the floor with Mira leading us through an awareness of the chest and abdomen rising and falling with each breath and all parts of the body are scanned for muscular tension of any kind - and released as it is found.  Mira's savasanas also include an often sweet period of silence when all guided voice and all control of the breath, the mind, and the body are completely released.

At the end, the savasana asana is slowly released as Mira reconnects us with the breath and the earth, flexing the fingers and toes, bringing the knees to the chest and rolling over to the side in a fetal position. After a short time and a slow inhalation, the yoga practitioner sits up into a seated position.

Mira has collaborated with soundscape artist David Heath to create these peaceful and relaxing savasana experiences, perfect for yoga, meditation, or just centering with the intention of joyfully affirming our bodies and our inner lives.

Ocean Savasana: David created a soundscape that might be the backdrop for one of Mira’s  seaside yoga classes - with medium-sized waves gently tumbling over the shells, stones, and sand of a warm and gorgeous tropical beach.  The cadence of the waves, the occasional calls of shore birds, and a distant ship and wind chime form the peaceful outer accompaniment to Mira’s wonderful guided relaxation as meanwhile on the inside, our pulse slows, the nervous chatter in our heads gives way to a joyful presence and openness, and any anxiety is washed away by the waves and Mira’s warm, supportive voice soothing and relaxing each part of our body and spirit.

Forest Savasana: Another beautiful savasana experience with Mira in a gorgeous early morning forest setting, with babbling brook, cooing birds, gentle breeze, and of course Mira's voice helping us to relax, integrate and feel whole, raise our spirits and appreciate all our blessings - coming soon!